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by Johnny B

BSc Sports Science; ISSA Nutritionist


Whether you want to gain mass or burn fat depends on how much you eat... but first, you have to determine what you are going to eat, then you can determine how much of it you eat. 


So far health experts (researchers and medical practitioners) are in debate over this question. 


They agree on the following:

  • Minimal processed/refined foods

  • A minimum amount of protein (varies depending on physical activity levels)

  • Lots of vegetables


Everything else is debated…

  • Dairy

  • Oil

  • Nuts

  • Fruits

  • Animal products

These are all debated by someone somewhere.


Most of the debates link back to the carbs vs fats debate.


Some experts promote high-carb, low-fat plant-based approaches.


Other experts promote low-carb, high-fat approaches. 


Other experts promote something in the middle (e.g. Mediterranean)


Paleo and high protein diets have also been associated with health benefits.



So ultimately, you will have to make a choice, and I've prepared some short articles, scientifically-referenced articles to help you do that... 


Should I go plant-based?

Should I go paleo?

Should I go low carb?

2 things you have to do before you start any diet

Do I even need a diet?

Can I even do a diet?

Low carb or high carb?


What is the Man Diet?



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